Sunday, June 15, 2008

Meeting Minutes
Redding Monthly Meeting of The Religious Society of Friends
June 8, 2008
Visit our website at

1) Present:
Tom, Susie, Doug, Doris, Lenore
2) Review & Approval of Minutes: We reviewed and approved the minutes from the last
3) Treasurer's Report: Bills paid included $20 to Spiritual Enrichment Center (peace lantern), $50 to FCNL, $44 two phone bills, $25 PFLAG.
4) Ministry & Oversight:
5) Interfaith Report:
The next meeting will not be until September. Mercy Hospital is having a grief workshop. The Spiritual Enrichment Center is putting on a green workshop in June--dates to follow.
6) Report from Quarterly Meeting: Doug reported that the Palo Alto meeting has some old books to give away and are proposing a regional library. There will be a trip for teens to El Salvador (July 13-18). The theme of this meeting was diversity among Quakers, resulting in a possible discussion question for our meeting, "What kind of Quaker are you?", such as theist vs. non-theist, activist vs. non-activist.
7) Other Business:
Midweek Meeting for Worship
: Starting in September 2008, we will meet once a month for a midweek worship. This will be the 3rd Wednesday of each month 5:30 at the Bond home.
Beginning of Worship: To create an atmosphere of silence, we'll be designating the circle of chairs in our meeting room as a silent area. The other half of the room will be used for socializing prior to worship.
We will return to reading Queries once a month during silence. This will occur on the weeks that we have a business meeting. Ministry and Oversight will provide Queries from regional newsletters.
Clerical Recording:
-Lenore will create an updated document of member/attender names & addresses, starting with an email to all requesting updated information. She will also add a link to our website at the top of the minutes each month.
-We need to forward an updated list of members and attenders for the Quarterly Meeting Directory.
8) Upcoming Events:
-Pacific Yearly Meeting ( ) July 28-August 2 in Marin County. Doug is probably going. Contact him if you're interested in traveling together.
-Friends General Conference ( ) June 28-July 5 in Johnstown, PA
-Fall Quarterly Meeting ( ) at Sierra Friends Center

9) Calendar:
(Tentative date July 18) Dinner Among Friends, topic: "What kind of Quaker are you?". At Robert and Deb's. Details TBA.

Sunday, June 22: Meeting for Worship 11:00 at Methodist Church. (Children = Susie; Food = leftovers from Bonds' Anniversary party)
Meeting will be followed by an informal luncheon.

Sunday, July 13: Meeting for Business 10:00, Meeting for Worship 11:00 at Methodist Church. (Children & Food = Lorna)

Sunday August 17, Summer Outing: We will be meeting at the Milhous cabin at Mount Shasta. Meet at 10:00, potluck at 12:00. Details TBA.

10) News of Friends:
All are invited to the 50th Wedding Anniversary of Glen and Doris Bond. 12:00 p.m. at the Methodist Church social hall.
(You can also come early to help make salads, starting at 9:00 a.m.)