The schedule is listed below. For full minutes from our business meeting click here.
Sunday, May 24 @ 11:00 a.m.
Meeting for Worship @ Methodist Church
(Children & food covered by Tom & Susie. They will also pick up Joanna )
Followed by a walk/hike at the Klikapudi trail (north of Bella vista). Bring water, hat, shoes, and snack if you'd like to go.
Sunday, June 7 @ 11:00 a.m.
Dinner (Lunch) Among Friends at Ed's house in Oak Run. This will include a potluck lunch, nature walk, presentation about deforestation, and silent worship.
Call Tom if you wish to carpool or need a ride.
Sunday, June 14 @ 9: 45 a.m.
Meeting for Business @ Methodist Church
Sunday, June 14 @ 11:00 a.m.
Meeting for Worship @ Methodist Church
(Food covered by Lenore; Children by Doris; Kathleen will pick up Joanna )
May 31, 7:00 dinner, 8:30 lantern ceremony
Floating of the Peace Lanterns
(Interfaith annual event)
Saturday, Sept. 11
Fundraiser Rummage Sale
Start collecting and saving items to donate for this sale (household, clothing, collectibles, etc.)
(details TBA)