Sunday, March 11, 2012

March 2012 Business Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes
Redding Monthlly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends
March 10, 2012
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Present: Doug Milhous, Tom and Sue Morehouse, Doris Bond.
Review and Approval of Minutes: Tom provided printed copies of January’s business meeting minutes, which were approved, with a date correction for the March Dinner Among Friends to 3/5th.
Treasurer’s Report: Doris reported we have a total of $2,866.71 in our bank account, with $62 in checks to be deposited. She has not yet paid $500 to PYM; rent is paid through 6/2012.
Review of Mail: The Post Office has raised our P.O. Box fee to $74 annually, which is almost double in cost.
Ministry & Oversight: M & O did not meet however Doug plans to meet soon.
Peace and Social Order: The repeal of the death penalty will be on the Nov. ballot. Enough signatures were collected. Marv Steinberg with the Methodist Church has arranged to bring the only woman who has been exonerated from Death Row to speak in Redding on 9/12th. Susie will be attending the planning meetings for this event, which we are co-sponsoring.
Interfaith Report: Doris and Doug will ask the Interfaith Forum for assistance with the guest speaker above. Doug will take a flier about our next Meet the Quakers event to invite the Interfaith Forum churches.
Old Business: Whole Earth Festival 4/28 planning continues. Susie & Doris will meet to work on the map of crops grown in Shasta County. Doug will be working to get dirt, seeds and planting cups. Ed will be available for setup and to help. Doris will be sending in the $25 registration fee this week. She will also get an estimate for a professionally made banner for Redding Friend’s Meeting. Doug will have Meet the Quakers fliers ready to hand out
New Business: Doug wants to have a fund raiser for Sierra Friends Center. He is thinking about providing dinner for Friends and invited friends where a contribution would be made for dinner and a donation made for the Center. Doris will see if Doug can use the BBQ and picnic area at MLK center for this on 6/1.
Doug announced that there is a non-violent communication trainer coming to give a workshop on 5/5 from10-5:00 at the Pilgrim Congregational Church. To register use the form at: or call 243-3121.
Meeting Schedule:
3/25 9:30 AM coffee group State of the Meeting discussion for annual report; 11:00 AM Meeting for Worship
4/6 6:00 PM Dinner Among Friends at Kathleen’s 720 Locust 223-4451- priority setting for FCNL led by Tom
4/8 11:00 AM Easter Sunday at the Morehouse’s bring a potluck dish.
4/9 Monday 5:00 PM Meeting for Business at the Morehouse’s
4/28 Whole Earth Watershed Festival
May 5th 2:00 PM Meet the Quakers