Redding Friends Quaker Meeting
Meeting for Business
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Respectfully submitted, Lenore Frigo
1. The meeting opened with silence
2. Review of minutes (no comments)
3. Treasurer's report: Sue Morehouse reported that we raised about $1000 from the breakfast that we hosted at the Methodist church.
4. Ministry and Oversight: The meeting has submitted a letter supported Richard Coholan as a Quaker chaplain at Mercy hospital.
5. Peace & Social Order
a) Louis Cox and Ruah Swennerfelt, a Quaker couple from Vermont, will be coming through Redding as part of a Walking in the Light, Peace for Earth Walk. More information can be found at
The Redding Friends meeting will be hosting their visit. Doug will organize the event. Tom and Sue will host the guests. Events for everyone include:
Tuesday January 29
-6:00 p.m. Potluck dinner at Morehouse home
-7:30 Presentation at Methodist church, room 10
b) Doug Milhous will be traveling to Santa Rosa for the Quarterly Meeting on January 29. Doug will also be attending a workshop in Humboldt on Compassionate Listening. He welcomes company to join him on either trip.
6. Unity with Nature
Ed noted that at our next meeting he will have information to share from the Pacific Yearly Meeting on this topic.
7. Redding Friends Website: Lenore Frigo proposed that the Meeting have a website with basic information, such as schedule and announcements. The Meeting agreed that she should go ahead and set up a draft of this website. It will be posted at
8. Calendar
Sunday, November 25, Meeting for Worship, 11:00 a.m. Methodist church
Sunday, December 9, 10:00 a.m. Business Meeting, 11:00 Meeting for Worship, Methodist Church
Sunday, December 16, 6:00 p.m. Dinner Among Friends: Christmas Celebration with potluck dinner and gift exchange. Bring one gift of $10 or under, something handmade by yourself if possible!
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