Redding Friends Quaker Meeting
Minutes for February 10, 2008
Submitted by: Lenore Frigo, Recording Clerk
In attendance were: Doris Bond, Lenore Frigo, Tom & Sue Morehouse, Ed Marek. We opened the meeting with silence.
1. Review of Minutes:
Minutes from the last meeting were approved. Minutes and other information are available at the website
2. Treasurer's Report:
-Current balance is $2770.
-The budget committee met to draft the 2008 budget. The meeting approved this budget. It includes funding for fixed ($1234) and variable ($450) operating expenses, as well as $1000 for charitable giving.
3. Ministry & Oversight:
-A committee met with Richard; in order to maintain ordination, necessary for his job as hospital chaplain, he will be applying for membership at First Baptist Church, but will maintain his membership with this meeting, as well.4. Unity with Nature
-Ed shared low-energy LED nightlights, to help us in reducing our individual energy consumption.
-Ruah Swennerfelt & Louis Cox continue their Peace for Earth Walk, after traveling through Redding. Click here to view their travel blog online or sign up for email updates.
-We're reminded to continue in our individual efforts to reduce and save resources, especially through making small changes that add up.
5. Peace & Social Order:
There will be a peace rally and march in Redding on March 16, with multiple sponsors. Our meeting agreed to contribute $50 for the event. There will be a sign-making party on February 23 in preparation for this event. For more information about the peace march & rally and other Season of Nonviolence events, view the Spiritual Enrichment Center website or calendar of events
6. Other Business
Letters from our meeting for the Record Searchlight religion section have been published the last two Saturdays, with thanks to Sue Morehouse (writing on the role of spirituality and social change, published February 9) and Doug Milhous (writing on the "Bodies Revealed" upcoming Turtle Bay exhibit). You can view these and other responses to the weekly religion page question at the Record Searchlight online. (The webpage is updated regularly, with only the most recent topics available for viewing).
7. Calendar
Sunday, February 24 11:00 a.m. Meeting for Worship (children's activity: Sue refreshments: Doris)
Friday, March 7 Dinner Among Friends
6:00 p.m. at the Bonds
Video and discussion about global warming and reducing your own carbon footprint.
Dinner will be baked potatoes plus potluck. Bring toppings, salad, or dessert to share.
Sunday March 9
10:00 a.m. Meeting for Business
11:00 a.m. Meeting for Worship (children's activity & refreshments: Sue)
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