Meeting Minutes
Redding Monthly Meeting of The Religious Society of Friends
Date: September 14, 2008
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Redding Monthly Meeting of The Religious Society of Friends
Date: September 14, 2008
Visit our website at
Present: Doug, Lenore, Tom, Susie, Ed, Doris
Review & Approval of Minutes: minutes were reviewed and approved
Treasurer's Report: Balance is $2084. Rent is paid through December. There are $400 in donations scheduled still to go out, set by the Budget Committee, which meets every January. Unity with Nature has a donation request.
Treasurer's Report: Balance is $2084. Rent is paid through December. There are $400 in donations scheduled still to go out, set by the Budget Committee, which meets every January. Unity with Nature has a donation request.
Peace & Social Order:
2) We now have a new family in the Faithworks apartment that we sponsor. The new family may still need a dresser. Doris will find out if this is still needed, and if so the meeting will purchase a used dresser for the apartment.
Interfaith Report:
SCIFF (Shasta County Interfaith Forum) held its first fall meeting:
1) We may be asked to help by providing cookies for the AIDS Day Celebration on December 1 at the Spiritual Enrichment Center.
2) The 3rd Annual Interfaith Thanksgiving Celebration will be held on Sunday November 23 at the LDS Stake Center on Churn Creek, with presentations by local faith leaders.
3) For the first three Sundays of October, the Sikh Center will be inviting local faith leaders to share a 15 minute presentation telling about their faith community and what it stands for. Doug will consider representing us.
4) At the SCIFF meeting flyers for many local events were shared. We are invited to submit flyers to SCIFF to be shared via their email list.
Unity with Nature:
1) There is an upcoming event at Ben Lomand Quaker Center, Walking Lightly on the Earth, weekend retreat, October 31-Nov. 2.
2) Our meeting should consider ideas for a group activity for Unity with Nature. Some ideas included a service activity or recycling education.
Old Business:
1) Doug will send out a reminder about September 17's midweek meeting.
2) Organization of our Quaker storage cabinet (books, etc.) is still pending. Doris will help with this, along with either Lorna or Susie.
3) Western Friends subscriptions: Doris will send in for three subscriptions, including one for the meeting.
4) AFSC Prison Presentation: Eric Moon will be available to do a presentation about the prison system and reform in February or March. Doug will request an outline of the presentation before we plan further.
5) Proposition 8 and other propositions: We will discuss these at our Oct. 3 Dinner Among Friends. Information from the Friends Committee on National Legislation ( and the Friends Committee on Legislation of California ( may be useful resources for Quakers considering upcoming ballot issues.
New Business:
1) The meeting will be sponsoring an Evening of Hope & Healing: Forgivness vs. the Death Penalty, featuring the songs of singer/songwriter Bess Klassen-Landis from the Hanover Friends Meeting in Vermont. The meeting will sponsor this event with a $100 budget and other support.
2) We have been invited to sponsor the AFSC Eyes Wide Open exhibit, which features a display of combat boots per each of our California troops killed in Iraq. Our meeting will consider this for possibly a project this spring.
Coming Events:
-Doug is headed to Quarterly Meeting Oct. 17-19 and welcomes others to travel with him. For more information see
-The Ben Lomand Quaker Center has some interesting upcoming events and workshops. For details, visit their website
-CROP Walk is coming October 18.
Sunday, September 28: Meeting for Worship at Methodist Church, 11:00 a.m. (Children and Food = Doris)
Friday, October 3: Dinner Among Friends. Potluck at the Morehouse home. Bring a dish to share. We will review and discuss the propositions slated for the November election.
Sunday, October 12: Meeting for Business at 9:45 a.m., Meeting for Worship at 11:00 a.m. at Methodist Church. (Children and Food = Tom & Susie)
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