Saturday, May 22, 2010

May 9, 2010

Redding Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends

Fifth Month, May 9, 2010

In attendance: Ed Marek, Tom and Susie Morehouse, Doris Bond, Joanna Mooney

Approval of Minutes: We reviewed and approved the last month’s minutes.

Treasurer’s Report: Doris reported that the meeting has $2066.39. There are a few outstanding bills for the Whole Earth Festival

Ministry & Oversight: $75 was approved for a member to travel to Quarterly Meeting. Robert’s birthday will be celebrated at Dinner Among Friends at the Cooper’s on 6/4 at 6 pm.

Unity with Nature: PYM committee sent an email asking for items to display at PYM. We will send the poster that Kathleen made for the Whole Earth Festival with Doug. Strawberry Meeting has adopted a testimony on Earthcare, which we will discuss at the next dinner among friends. Ed report that our table for the Whole Earth Festival was in a good location and many people liked the $40 solar oven. Cookies were a draw, but not many took fliers. Next year we plan to design an oven to show people how they can make their own oven. Visit HYPERLINK ""

Peace & Social Order: Joanna presented some internet information about suicide rates in the military. More information is still needed. She will contact someone at the Redding VA clinic.

Interfaith Forum: Doris announced that Floating of Lanterns is on May 23 at 7:30pm. Park at Blood Source lot and walk across Park Marina to Pond area. Bring your chairs. Siks will serve dinner. We approved $20 for a Quaker lantern to be floated.

The First Christian Church is collecting Pennies for Peace to be donated to schools in Pakistan started by Greg Mortenson. Bring pennies to meeting both meetings before June 15th.

May is Mental Health Month. SCIF is still working to put together a network of care resource for local agencies. Doris will check to see if veterans mental health issues are addressed. We will review resource list this year, then add Quaker resources where needed in coming years.

Meet the Quakers: It was decided to postpone the Meet the Quaker event until September. A committee for this event was formed; Doug, Bonnie, Joanne.

Nominating Committee: Clerk: Doug Asst. Clerk: Joy Recording Clerk: Tom

Treasurer: Doris (Just 1 more year)

M & O: Joanna (yr. 1); Joy (yr. 2); Kathleen (yr. 3)

PYM & Quarterly Rep.: Doug

May 23 Meeting for Worship - Doris will provide food and childcare; Doug transportation

June 13 Meeting for Business & Worship - Bonnie food; Doug transportation

Respectfully Submitted,

Sue Morehouse

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